Winner of the Lottery

(2009/01/06) We want to thank all, who has helped to complete the camouflage archive. Following senders has won:
*** 3x Promo Set (Motif Sky + Something Wrong + The Pleasure Remains Promo MCDs): Victor Tolstoy, Rainer Treusch, Matthias Rieger *** 5x Archive#1: Gabriel Ruiz-Diaz, Daniel Schulz, Sven Olaf Schulze, Jens M. Lill, Jose Cuba *** 5x Something Wrong MCD: Fredd Marx, Yuri Romanov, Henning Kraus, Julian Weinert, Alan Mode *** 2x Rewind CD + Heaven MCD: Heike Schneider, Sandra Laschke *** 1x Rewind CD+DVD + Close MCD: Falk Unger *** 1x Sensor + Me & You MCD + I Can't Feel You Promo MCD: Carlos Chavira *** 1x Spice Crackers + Bad News MCD + X-Ray MCD: Mike Müller *** 1x Areu Areu CD: Sandra Hainz
Congratulations to all the winners! The prices will be signed by camouflage in the next days and sent shortly after that.